Anticipation is excitement, waiting eagerly for something you know is going to happen.
Setting the goal of being present for a series of 8 sunrises has brought many lessons in a short period of time.
I am seeing some answers to some of my whys and my who am I questions.
I am a creature of habit and I can be fairly consistent. Even if it's a bad habit, I will be consistent with it. So I did not set my alarm although I had a goal in mind for receiving the sunrise. "He who fails to plan l, plans to fail", comes to mind.
Yes it was a bit hectic getting in place. Yes I did not have the peace of standing still, deep breathing and savoring the birth of a new day. I was slightly disappointed in myself but because I have tools to prevent the spiral of thoughts that lead to negative thinking. At which point a shift in emotions, for me, is a skip away from depressive thoughts.
I was ready. I focused on the anticipation of what I knew was coming. The slow spread of color. The game I played of what color would appear first. Smiling as I was either right or happily wrong because I was pleased with the surprise of a different color.
All of this mental work is taking place with awareness. I am consistently understanding how to direct my thoughts.
Even as the 🌞 appeared thru the windshield, the line of cars in the way didn't upset me. The beautiful ga pines all around the winding streets shielded me from the full view. But I stayed happy. The best part had already happened. I anticipated the sunrise and experienced it without seeing it. Being happy along the journey is important for me because the end results could change.
Wishing you peace of mind and spirit, aren't you worth it? ~Mluv